‘Dressed to the K9’s’ – Kubrick to judge dog fancy dress photo competitionWalk the Dog invites dog lovers everywhere to enter their annual 'Dressed to the K9's’ Dog Fancy Dress Photo Competition, judged by renowned artist Christiane Kubrick, in aid of Every Chance Rescue (ECR).
This is Walk the Dog’s second annual online photo competition where dog owners around the country have the chance to dress up their pooch to win some fabulous prizes. This year our winner will receive a professional photographic session and 12” x 10” framed portrait of their pet, courtesy of Ian Waldron Photography worth £250, plus a luxury hamper packed full of owner and pet goodies, courtesy of Reg & Ruby Pet Accessories, Walk the Dog with their Forever Living range and life coach Vicky Kelly’s new book. The runner up will receive a luxury hamper, and the top ten entries will also receive a goodie each for their fabulous efforts.
To enter, entrants simply dress up their dog letting their imaginations run wild, submit their photograph via the easy to complete entry form on our competition website at
http://www.dressedtothek9s.com/ . Entries can also be sent via post. The competition is in aid of Every Chance Rescue, a non-profit organisation that provides kennelling, foster and veterinary care, dog training and support for unwanted dogs, helping to find them their forever home. We’re looking for donations no matter how big or small from our entrants – as every penny helps. Donations can be made via our competition website or by cheque and sent in the post.
Last year our judge was fellow dog lover Barbara Broccoli OBE, Producer of the James Bond films. Our winner was Toby, a Cocker Spaniel, who dressed as John McEnroe. This year Walk the Dog is delighted to welcome artist Christiane Kubrick as our judge. Walk the Dog client, Christiane has always been surrounded by dogs and has provided a forever home for many rescue dogs over the years. Christiane currently has four dogs; Tallulah, Marshall, Elvis and Macy. Christiane says; "Dressed to the K9's is a great way for dog owners to have some fun with their pet, while helping raise the badly needed funds for Every Chance Rescue. I'm really looking forward to judging this year's photo entries and encourage dog owners everywhere to join in".
The competition is being organised by Walk the Dog, a pet care business based in Berkhamsted. Hanne Grice owner of Walk the Dog says; “Every Chance Rescue is run entirely by Jan Fennell Dog Listeners like myself, while our annual competition is light-hearted in its approach, the message behind it is serious. At Every Chance, we work diligently to save dogs from mistreatment and unnecessary death. We rehabilitate dogs with a way of training called ‘Amichien Bonding’. This has helped turn many dogs around and
literally given them a second chance.”
No doubt tails will be wagging everywhere in anticipation of being named Top Dog in this year’s ‘Dressed to the K9’s’ competition.
Competition launches; Monday 1st March 2010.
Competition closes; Sunday 25th April 2010.
Winner, runner up and top ten finalists announced; Tuesday 4th May 2010.
**Please note**: be kind to you dog, avoid putting him under any pressure. If your dog is unhappy about being dressed then please do not force him to dress up, as this may cause him unnecessary stress.
Notes to Editors;
· Every Chance Rescue (ECR) was formed in October 2008, to bridge the gap that
traditional rescue organisations cannot fill. Visit
http://www.everychancerescue.co.uk/· Dressed to the K9’s website is
http://www.dressedtothek9s.com/ and entrants can post their submissions to ‘Dressed to the K9’s’ at 15 Hillside Gardens, Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 2LF. Become a fan on our Dressed to the K9’s Facebook page
· Christiane Kubrick is a UK based artist and wife of Stanley Kubrick. Christiane holds the annual Childwickbury Arts and Music fair at her Childwickbury estate. Visit
http://www.childwickbury-arts-fair.com/· Walk the Dog is an award winning pet care business in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire that offers a range of services from canine behavioural advice and training to dog walking. Visit
http://www.walk-the-dog.net/· Ian Waldron Photography an award winning business based in Eddlesborough, Bedfordshire, covering the UK. Visit
http://www.ianwaldronphotography.com/main.php· Reg & Ruby Pet Accessories is a pet product company. Visit
http://www.regandruby.com/· Vicky Kelly is a life coach based in Essex. Visit
http://www.lonelyheartscoach.co.uk/· Amichien Bonding is a revolutionary approach to dog training, developed by Jan
· Fennell. Visit http://www.janfennellthedoglistener.com/
For further information, please contact;
Louise Brooks – 07546405282 or 01442 878628
Hanne Grice – 07976743031 or 01442 878628
Email: info@walk-the-dog.net