Walk the Dog - the pet care and behaviour company

Monday, 4 January 2010

Games Corner; Teach your dog to shut the door!

For this, you will need...

  • Your dog!
  • A door that swings easily on its hinges
  • Treats


Open the door a few inches, place a small piece of treat on the hook and call your dog’s attention to it, saying “Shut the door.” In reaching for the treat the dog will place his forefeet on the door, this will close it. If preferable, the treat can be balanced on the door handle, and shutting the door will jar it to the floor, then he should be allowed to eat it and be petted and praised. After he’s done this a few times, advance him in his lessons by placing the treat in position while he’s in another room, then call him in and say “Shut the door,” directing him toward it. If he doesn’t go, show him the treat and encourage him to get it.

In time he’ll understand the order and close any door that’s shown to him. Finally, teach him to close the door without having any reward in sight, but after he shuts it in response to your command reward him with a treat. At first you need not be particular about having the door closed tight, but in later stages, insist upon its being done before any reward is given.